I loved the symbol of the dandelion and how the author used it full circle in the beginning of the series and again at the end. The dandelion reference made me think of my Great Grandmother's diaries that she wrote when she was 14 years old while living out west. My Great Grandmother used to eat dandelion soup with dinner. (Who knew they used to eat that back in the day)? I bet you didn't know how healthy dandelions are for you and how many vitamins they pack. Katniss's mom would have included dandelions in her book of remedies as dandelions have many medicinal qualities. The irony is that many people today do not care for dandelions. For one, they reproduce like mad. Dandelions grow faster than the grass in most lawns. People spend a lot of money adding chemicals to their lawns to prevent them from growing. In this trilogy, the dandelion was a symbol of hope after all the destruction due to war and natural causes. So, if you want to see a dandelion, I will probably have a couple in my lawn this spring I can bring in for you. Just ask.
Click here for more information on dandelions
Suzanne Collins
Discussion guide for all three books in The Hunger Games Trilogy
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