Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Burnash/ Daviau- Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance WebQuest
"Oppression and Resilience"

What is it?
Why is it significant?
What are some of the various facets?

Webquest A

Webquest B

      Zizzi- Assassination Research project

      Zizzi-Putmon English 10/ 10 Advanced
      Here's why you will be happy that we added the information to this blog:
      1. Under each of the research options you will be able to locate the required research links to choose from.
      2. Son of Citation is below so you can easily manage your Works Cited page as you research
      3. The Story Board, Due Dates and Research Slips are located below 
      4. The formats for project delivery are linked below

      District Databases- username and password for remote access is both: syrsls

      History Reference Center:

      Gale General OneFile: (try the Topic Finder to locate items in your search context)

      Gale Biography in Context:

      Option 1: History

      Option 2: Assassination

      Excerpts from John Wilkes Booth's diary, where the infamous assassin (and professional actor) paints himself as an American hero and compares himself to Brutus after shooting President Abraham Lincoln.

      Assassinations and Attempts in the U.S. Since 1865
      Assassinations and Attempts
      Britannica Annals of American History SCSD Library Database under Social Studies)
      ABC CLIO Database (SCSD Library Database under Social Studies)
      NBC Learn

      Option 3: Betrayal & Patriotism

      ABC’s Twelve Worst Betrayers
       Debate – Is Patriotism Justified
      American Brutus – The Lone Gunman
      Book Discussion – C-SPAN – American Brutus
      10 Notable Traitors in HistoryIs Our Patriotism Moral?Britannica Annals of American History (SCSD Library Database under Social Studies)ABC CLIO Database (SCSD Library Database under Social Studies) History.comNBC Learn

      Son of Citation Machine
      Remember to cite your sources as you work.  If you build your Works Cited as you research, you will be saving time and energy at the end.

      Databases Access
      To access the SCSD Databases at home the username and password are the same: syrsls

      Noodle Tools Citation Creator:

      The following link hosts:
      •  Research Slip
      •  Project Outline
      •  Storyboard Template
      • Prezi directions
      • Photopeach & Photostory3 directions
      Essential Project Documents

      ***Create a folder in your Zdrive to save your images***

      Tips on how to make a Prezi

      Tips on how to create a PhotoPeach project

      Tuesday, January 3, 2017

      10th Grade Imperialism Inquiry

      Summative Performance Task:
      Do the Boxers deserve a bad rap? construct an argument (e.g., detailed outline, poster, essay) that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and relevant evidence from historical sources while acknowledging competing perspectives.

      Moses- Do Boxers Deserve a Bad Rap?