Monday, April 27, 2015

Smith's 9th Gr Research Projects

Databases: username and password for remote access is both: syrsls

Website Evaluation

Option 1: The impact of Renaissance
The Renaissance and Today
Have students examine the differences between the Renaissance culture and present day American culture. Based on this examination, students should develop a question (or questions) that require further research. Some examples for struggling students are listed below:
  • How was the culture of the Renaissance similar and/or different to the U.S. culture today?
  • What was the social construct during the Renaissance period, how is this structure different and similar to what we have today?
  • What was life like for different classes of society during the Renaissance period? )For example: Royalty, Peasants, etc.)


                                                                                                                                                                                                       Optional Resources:

Option 2: Elizabethan Era
Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers of all time.  He wrote during a time called the Elizabethan period (era).  We can best understand his writing if we examining the time period in which he was writing.  Examine the Elizabethan Era and its characteristics/ influence on the Shakespeare’s writing.  Based on this examination, students should develop a question (or questions) that require further research.  Some examples for struggling students are listed below:
  • What was popular during the Elizabethan Era? Clothing? Entertainment?
  • How was England ruled during the Elizabethan Era? Clothing? Entertainment?
  • Who was England ruled during the Elizabethan Era?
  • What was the Elizabethan Era like?
  • Who was important during the Elizabethan Era?
  • What religions were most common?
  • Describe Elizabeth I.
  • Describe London during this time period.
  • What aspects of the Elizabethan Era are apparent in Romeo and Juliet?
  • How do you think this time period influenced Shakespeare’s writing?


Optional Resources:

Option 3:  Real Life Romeo and Juliet
Various people from all over the world have recreated the story of Romeo and Juliet in their own ways. It is always interesting to examine these stories. Have students examine real life examples of love stories that mirror that of Romeo and Juliet. Based on this examination, students should develop a question (or questions) that require further research. Some examples for struggling students are listed below:
  • What are some examples of modern day Romeo and Juliet stories?
  • How are these situations different from the play?
  • How are these stories similar to the play?
  • What factors do you think played a role in each participant’s decision?
  • What decisions could these people have made differently?


Optional Resources:

IFC Assessments/ Graphic Organizers: (these graphic organizers take a couple of minutes to download)
11.1 Gathering Evidence to Support Thesis and Example

The above link hosts:
  • Research Slip
  • Project Outline
  • Storyboard Template
  • Due Date Check List
  • Prezi directions
  • Photopeach & Photostory3 directions

  • ***Create a folder in your Zdrive to save your images***

    Presentation Format Resources:

    Powerpoint Directions



    MLA Resources:

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